This is the second recruitment which has been made through NTS. The AIGP Establishment Najeeb-ur-Rehman Buqvi gave a presentation to the Inspector General of Police, Khyber Pakhutnkhwa Nasir Khan Durrani about the process and procedure adopted during the recruitment. The AIGP Establishment informed that a total of 54,102 persons applied for the posts of police constables against 1605 vacancies in the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Police. Out of these only 16,008 candidates could qualify the physical measurement standards and the physical endurance test. Those who qualified the physical test appeared in the written examination conducted by the accredited independent body, the National Testing Service (NTS). Only 2,990 candidates successfully passed the test carried by NTS. The pass percentage was 18.7 percent. After passing the NTS examination, the candidates underwent psychological examination which was conducted by a board of psychological experts for determining their suitability for joining...