How to make a GIF Image with using Adobe Photoshop 7.0 (2015)
Hi guys today I'm posting about photo shop. In this post I will tell you How to create a moving ( gif ) picture with haveing adobe photoshop 7.0, I have seen that people saw any gif image and say wow how good it is and they dont know that there are an easy way in photoshop to make those gif images, so I have added a new categery of photoshop and I'll post about photoshop you can see more posts releted with phptoshop by clicking this link. To make some gif Images just follow some easy steps given below. see a live demo in below Image. Open your adobe phtoshop 7.0 and Go to File and then click Open, you can press Ctrl+O to direct open. Now select your some images with same size. Now press Ctrl+N and open a new blank box. Now select Move Tool from left side tool box. Move your pictures in blank box and delete blank background lyer from the box By clicking on delete Button in reght side lyre box. Now if you are redy so Click on Last Jump to Imagery tool from left ...